
*NEW* Climate Justice Newsletter

We offer you the inaugural Teach for Environmental Justice Newsletter from Rethinking Schools. Last year the Earth shattered climate records, and the entanglement of militarism and fossil fuels bears out […]

Earth, Justice, and Our Classrooms

“Teaching climate justice means sharing stories of hope and resistance with students. It means connecting the movement for a livable planet to the movements for racial justice, economic justice, disability […]

Our picks for books, videos, websites, and other social justice resources 38.3

Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.

Teaching the Truth About National Parks

Tim Swinehart

An environmental justice teacher engages students in an examination of the problematic history of national parks.

Why I Teach Look for Me in the Whirlwind

T. J. Whitaker

A review of Look for Me in the Whirlwind: From the Panther 21 to 21st-Century Revolutions edited by déqui kioni- sadiki and Matt Meyer.

The Story of the Chicago Young Lords for Teachers

Lilly Cruz

A Chicago educator discusses the creation of a new curriculum on the Young Lords, one of the most imaginative and effective organizations of the 1960s.

Teaching Dance for Transformation

Cierra Kaler-Jones

A dance teacher reflects on how to replace a pedagogy of control and policing with one that encourages creativity and liberation.

How Portland Teachers Led the Longest K–12 Strike in Decades

Melissa Blount and Matt Reed

Two strike captains reflect on what they learned from spending three weeks on the picket line in Portland teachers’ first-ever strike.

Palestine Teaching Resources

Our thoughts on essential resources for teaching about Palestine.

As a Palestinian, I Often Feel Alone

Hana Fares

Through poetry and narrative, a Palestinian high school student in Portland, Oregon, shares her experiences in the aftermath of Oct. 7.