Resources on Military Recruitment

Organizations and Web sites that can provide more information.

The Central Committee of Conscientious Objectors (CCCO);

CCCO has a Military Out of Our Schools program which seeks to balance the JROTC recruiting. It also has a Third World Outreach Program that specifically addresses counter-recruitment issues in communities of color.

Most of CCCO’s literature can be downloaded from the website. Literature includes, for example, an organizing kit with comprehensive materials for counter-recruitment in high schools, a flyer discussing questions and answers about draft registraion.

For further information contact CCCO, 1515 Cherry St., Philadelphia, PA 19102. 215-563-8787; 1-800-NOJROTC.

American Friends Service Committee Youth and Militarism Program;

The program has a range of materials, including the Y&M On-Line newsletter. A recent issue contained the cover story, “Say What?: High School Students’ Rights.”

For further information contact: Harold Jordan, American Friends Service Committee, 1501 Cherry St., Philadelphia, PA 19102. 215-241-7176; fax: 215-241-7177. E-mail:

Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft;

War Resisters League;